Powerful Techniques to Achieving Goals – Cliff Roperez

Dr. Cliff Roperez is a life coach, a licensed nurse in the US, a motivational speaker, and CEO of Trails Social Corp. Roperez writes about achieving success and accomplishing goals in his latest book, Burn you Boats, Bomb the Bridges, and Fight to Succeed 9781689600064. He believes everyone has the right to lead the life of their own choice and making. Following the path everyone has already taken does not always lead to happiness. A person should be free to pursue their dreams and passions in life. That is where they will find success and happiness at the end of the day. To fully commit to one’s dreams and goals, a person should be able to cut off all previous ties, back routes, and plans. This, Roperez, believes will help one to fully commit to moving forward in their lives, without looking back.

          Setting goals and achieving them is obviously easier said than done. It takes a lot of commitment and dedication to work towards accomplishing goals. But the rewarding feeling you get from achieving your dreams is unmatched. If you are struggling to achieve something in life, Dr. Cliff’s book would be my very first recommendation to find the motivation you need. Apart from that, here are a few powerful techniques by Jack Heimbigner, to help you achieve your goals:

  • Start with Why

If we are setting goals to set goals, we will fail. This is why New Years Resolutions fail. We need to have a clear purpose for our goals. We need to focus on why we are creating them and why achieving them will make us better. The why in our goals carry us through the struggle of completing them.

  • Use A SMART System

If you have Googled ‘goal-setting’ you have likely found out about SMART goals. Here is a quick refresher. SMART goals are Specific, Measurable, Actionable, Relevant, and Time-Bound goals. If you create a goal within this system, you have a higher likelihood of completing your goals.

  • Write them Down

Every resource I have found that has any creditability explains writing goals down is an important factor in achieving them. For some reason, merely saying that you are going to do something isn’t as powerful to us mentally as writing down goals. When we write them down, our chances of achieving our goals increase dramatically.

  • Share in Community

This can look different to everyone. However, if you have a spouse, a best friend, and a mentor you have enough people to keep you accountable. You can share your goals online too. It is important to have a community to keep us accountable, cheer us on, and help when we struggle to complete our goals.

  • Break them Down

It is essential to break goals down into bite-sized chunks. Break your annual goals into monthly and weekly goals. Then during the week, pick a day to complete one or two of those little goals. Each day you move closer and closer to achieving your annual goals.

  • Review Regularly

This has also been very important. I review my annual goals weekly. And reset monthly goals at the end of each month. In reviewing them regularly, we keep our eyes on what we are trying to do. And we can make adjustments if we have had a bad week or a bad month. It’s like checking the map on a road trip.

  • Believe in Yourself

The last one seems simple, and you might think it should be first. However, when you set goals, the best time to commit to believing in yourself is to do it after you have done all the planning. After you have done the work of planning, now you know that you can achieve your goals.

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